Imagem de fluorescência verde de indocianina e infravermelho próximo na abordagem cirúrgica de precisão do câncer gástrico
Uso da fluorescência a laser com infravermelho e indocianina verde no tratamento cirúrgico do câncer gástrico
Método combinado para tratamento de fístula gastrocutânea após remoção de gastrostomia endoscópica
Combined method for treating gastrocutaneous fistula after percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy removal

Tratamento cirúrgico baseado em achados de EUS em um caso raro de neoplasia mucinosa papilar intraductal do ducto biliar (IPMN-B) com adenocarcinoma invasivo
Surgical management based on EUS findings in a rare case of Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the bile duct (IPMN-B) with invasive adenocarcinoma
Fístula gastropancreática secundária à neoplasia intraductal mucinosa papilar pancreática – achados de endoscopia digestiva alta e ultrassom endoscópico
Gastropancreatic fistula secondary to a pancreatic intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasia – endoscopic ultrasound and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy findings

Endosonography-guided rescue procedures after failed ERCP in a patient with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
The ERCP even when done by experienced professionals, fails in 10% of cases.
Until the development of the EUSBD, PTBD had a role as a rescue therapy, despite a high rate of adverse events.
The EUS-BD is safe and has similar efficacy, when compared to PTBD and should be performed immediately after ERCP failure.
A doctor with skills in both methods (ERCP/EUS) is needed to determine the best EUS-guided therapeutic option.
Percutaneous cholangioscopy and laser biliary lithotripsy for biliary intrahepatic stones management: case report
AUTORES: AGUIAR, Alan Junior de MOREIRA, Paula Heroso CUNHA, Fernanda Biasi da BACARIN, João Vitor SANTINI, Pedro Henrique Batista BONIN, Eduardo Aimore
Robotic resection of a giant gastrointestinal stromal tumor (gist): a path we dared to take
MACHADO, Marcel Autran C EPSTEIN, Marina G NOBRE, Ana Luísa M LOBO FILHO, Murillo M MATTOS, Bruno H F MAKDISSI, Fábio