III brazilian consensus statement on endoscopic ultrasound


  • Since its inception in the 1980s, endoscopic ultrasound has increased relevance and usefulness in clinical practice.
  • Endoscopic ultrasound has evolved from solely diagnostic imaging to a valuable method for tissue sampling and therapeutic procedures, such as drainage of pancreatic fluid collections and creating gastrointestinal anastomoses under EUS guidance.
  • Given the rapid advancements in EUS and new devices, an update to the last Consensus must include recent developments.
  • Experts evaluated and discussed the best evidence on EUS-guided procedures and devices for tissue sampling, pancreatic and liver disease management, and biliary drainage.



PESSOA, Ricardo Rangel de Paula BESTETTI, Alexandre Moraes OLIVEIRA, Victor Lira de ARAUJO, Wladimir Campos de GUARALDI, Simone RODRIGUES SILVA, Rodrigo Roda OLIVEIRA, Francisco Antonio Araujo RIBEIRO, Maria Sylvia Ierardi CARNEIRO, Fred Olavo Aragão Andrade D’ASSUNÇÃO, Marco Aurélio MEDRADO, Bruno Frederico Oliveira Azevedo RETES, Felipe Alves PAULO, Gustavo Andrade de SCHNEIDER, Nutianne Camargo ROSSINI, Lucio Giovanni Battista VALLINOTO, Leonardo ARDENGH, Jose Celso COELHO NETO, Djalma Ernesto IDE, Edson SILVA, Marcos Clarencio Batista FRANCO, Matheus Cavalcante MATUGUMA, Sergio Eiji MOURA, Diogo Turiani Hourneaux de ARANTES, Vitor Nunes NAHOUM, Rafael BRUNALDI, Vitor Ottoboni SANTOS, Marcos Eduardo Lera dos CHAVES, Dalton Marques MICELLI-NETO, Otávio SALOMAO, Bruno Chaves MALUF-FILHO, Fauze LUZ, Gustavo de Oliveira